sexta-feira, 12 de abril de 2013

The first guitar and a fear

Hello Folks! How is it going?
When I think in happiness, I imagine a guitar, a electric guitar. Some girls can say that shoes and clothes can make anyone happy, but for me, a eletric guitar solo is better than go shopping and spend some money in something that I know that I'll regret later.
Today, for example, I bought my first electric guitar and I can tell you that I'm freaking out with it, because I've been dreaming with this for 5 years, and I never could have it untill now. I know that this sounds silly, but if I fail? Certainly, I would be very desppointed with myself. But, I'm trying to figure it out a way to believe that everything is gonna be alright and my fingers will stop hurting themselfs in some point of my life.
Good Luck for me, I guess...

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